Q:"Do you think that people will ever go back to the simpler ways of life or do you think that humans will continue the never ending cycle of advanced technology and other incredible ideas..?"
I am not exactly sure what you mean by a “never ending cycle of advanced technology and other incredible ideas”; I does not seem like it would be a never ending cycle if we continued the same process of coming up with new technology. With that said, I think that you bring up a great question, and this question was one of the main ideas of our discussion in class.
In regards to the situation of us going “back to the simpler ways of life,” I tend to agree with the graph that Dr.J drew on the chalkboard. The graph showed the constant human process of going above nature, and then heading back down to nature. As Dr.J mentioned in class, I believe that we are already showing signs of getting back to nature or the simpler ways of life.” A great example of this would be the recent explosion of organic products. If you go to any large supermarket, you are likely to see an organic section, which is usually popular. People are starting to realize that the best foods to eat are not things labeled “low fat,” which are filled with artificial sweeteners, but are actually organic foods. The habit of shopping for organic foods is a recent craze, and I think that it is a sign that other habits will arise in the future that involve going back to nature.
As far as advanced technology, I do not think humans will ever stop trying to come up with new ideas that could change our way of life. We may start to change back to nature, but I do not think everyone will stop trying to come up with new technology; People are always trying to look for new ideas. Furthermore, I do not believe that we should ever stop trying to invent new technology. I do not believe that new ideas create problems for our society; I think that a problem is created once we start to have a dependence on these new ideas. An example of this would be our general history of transportation. Humans have created bikes and other simple ways of transportation that have not, and will never cause any problems. Humans have invented many things that have moved away from nature, but they do not cause any problems. An issue comes into play when humans start to depend on technological advances too much. I do not think automobiles were extremely dangerous to our future well-being when we first created them. Now they are dangerous to our environment because our whole world has become dependent on them to get around.
Humans should not be afraid of new ideas, but we should be careful about becoming dependent on them. As long as we do not move away from our roots in nature then I think we will be fine. I think the main problem with moving away from nature is that people think we can invent technology that is almost better than nature itself; they feel that we can come up with ways of almost beating nature. They need to learn that we will never beat nature. If people do not eat healthy because they think that a pill invented in the future will cure their health problems, then they are completely wrong. We should always be trying to improve our way of life with new ideas, but we need to make sure that we are not forgetting about nature.
What other recently new habits other than the organic food craze, can you think of that show our path back to nature?
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