Saturday, March 27, 2010

Do not forget we are talking about Human's.

At the beginning of today’s class, we discussed what might be the obvious issues with a socialist economy. I brought up my point that humans naturally want to be different from other people and so equal pay would not allow this. Alex then said that he felt equal pay could work if each person would be allowed to use their money however they wanted to. I think Alex brought up a great point, but I immediately responded that this would not make people feel equal because there would be too many problems that would arise. I explained that people would take advantage of the system in which the economy runs buy, and therefore people would not feel equal. Even though I got my basic point across, I was not able to back up my argument with actual evidence of what would go wrong in Alex’s plan.
I think that Alex’s idea is very good because people should feel different from others when they are allowed to spend money in their own way, but I feel that this idea would fail in other ways. This idea may fix the basic problem of individuality, but I feel it would be impossible to find a balance between being equal and having individuality in this system. Firstly, I am assuming that everyone receives equal wages. This would be problematic because people would need to be assigned to different jobs. People would complain that they had a more difficult job than a person making the same amount as them. I understand that people should be worrying about the whole and not themselves, but I believe that the creators of this type of economic system are forgetting that they are dealing with humans. I believe that socialism would work out perfectly for any type of high-function being that does not have a sense of self, but not humans. Humans constantly compare themselves with others; Alex’s idea covers the basics of the human need for individuality, but I feel that it forgets about the many other aspects of humanity. Human’s have a sense of self that constantly evaluates its own situation compared to others; I believe that this sense of self would cause the majority of the problems with this economic system. Lets first look at what this type of government expects: everyone to do his or her job. In most jobs, not everyone does perform as well as each other. It seems like someone who performs well would be frustrated if someone else, who performed poorly, was being rewarded the same amount as them. I do not even have to be talking about money when I use this example. Maybe the person performing proficiently is not even being acknowledged for their good work; it does not seem like this person would want to work hard any longer.
The main problem with Alex’s idea of letting people spend their money how they want would be people’s ability to take advantage of the system. It seems like people in this society could have trouble with spending too much of their money; if someone did not have enough money to survive because they spent it all then it would be interesting to see what would happen next. It seems like the government would have to step in and give aid to the people who need help, because if they did not, these people would want to rebel against the government. If the government does provide aid, then other people would feel like it was unfair and ask for aid themselves. I feel that they are too many situations like this for this type of government to succeed. People always find some way that the government system was unfair to them which would cause them to rebel.
It seems like this type of economic system could only work if the individuals of a society cared more about the whole of the society than they cared about themselves; since I do not see this as possible, I feel that a socialist government would inevitability fail.

Do you think that the human sense of self causes problems within society?


  1. As a response to this post, I feel that there may be some things to add to this argument.

    For starters, this conversation we had was very basic and in the birth of its coming to completion. I think that the equal wages with freedom to spend it on what interests you is still a very valid argument, it just needs some help with other potential circumstances to encompass the things that you think would be wrong with it.

    With respect to the jobs situation, equal wages has to be rephrased a little bit. The real solution to that statement would be that jobs would pay differently based on how much you have to do / contribute to society. Rather than saying that everyone gets equal wages, it would be a statement of everyone gets appropriate wage caps based on their contribution to society.

    Another important part to this conflict is that of the self being frustrated with this system. What you had mentioned is that the normal person would notice that they don't need to do as much work as expected and still make the same money. This is a very true statement, and thus my solution to it is that there must be a form of punishment (whether to the wages you make or the job itself) for not complying with the job that you are participating in. This would work very similarly to firing someone from the job that they are clearly not adequate for, expecting that the person who will now not have any wage coming in will find a different job that they will actually participate in.

    This leads to the next interesting issue of running out, and or wasting away the wage money that you are expected to use appropriately. My solution to this brings the whole argument to a level of finally making sense. For if you have been fired from your job, and or you have been wasting your wages away to the point that you can no longer survive without government help, then you are sent to jail. This would have to be a slightly different kind of jail than what we have now though. It would have to be more of a rehabilitation to society program; where you take these people who have wasted their money away and have them do community service without pay until they make up for what they have done wrong. Once they have proven to be humbled by this means of service, they are sent back out to try again with the expectation that they can now appreciate their wages.

    This concept of the jail would also make up for the people trying to take advantage of the system. For you can go back to jail as many times as you want, but it would be more efficient to keep your job and try and save your money for what you want; rather than a means of taking advantage of others.
    This concept of the jail system would also take the blame on the government out of the people's eyes, because it is a standardized system that would work efficiently without bias to any one person who ends up there.

    What do you think of the revisions?

  2. *This Discussion is Continued Later on in Alex's and My Blog.*
